Ring in wellness for the New Year
Hello 2019.
I am so excited for the year and have some fun new things planned for the blog. I hope that they will inspire you.
With a new year comes new goals, resolutions or a word of the year. Whichever you chose to focus on my new weekly addition to the blog will be helpful.
For myself , I chose to be more focused in 2019. More focused on wellness in my life and my home.
I truly want to be part of your success this year and have decided to add something fun.
Home decor is my absolute love but in order to enjoy our home I need to be healthy and happy.
So I decided to add a weekly post.
Wellness Wednesday
Now that I am getting older, 50+ I have really been reading a ton about healthier living and wanted to concentrate on that in 2019.
Our homes should be our havens to enjoy in good health.
There are so many things we hope to accomplish in our homes, wellness is key to actually getting those things done.
If you are not doing everything you can to live a healthier life, those home projects, crafts or what ever it is you are trying to accomplish, will be difficult.
Weekly sharing small life style changes to help you create healthy habits in your everyday. Habits that will aide in creating a sense of wellness in your life and home.
The weekly subject will vary, but will include everything from, healthy eating, cooking, exercise and beauty, just to name a few.
These post are meant to inspire you to be your best and healthiest self.
We can work together to make this year one of our best yet.
Wellness Wednesdays will also be a tool to help keep me accountable in this healthy journey.
I hope you will join us each Wednesday, and let me know if there is something you would like to see here.
Now onto my first healthy habit, getting my daily workout in.
Till next time
Sounds like a great idea! I’m also hoping to develop healthier habits in the new year. Happy 2019! ??
That is great Lauren, we can work on these healthier habits together. It is always more fun with friends.
This is exciting! I’m looking forward to reading these posts!
Thanks for sharing
>> Christene
Christene, I am excited to get going and hope to inspire you in these post.
Christine I am glad you are excited and I look forward to you being here. Thank you.
Hi Sonya, I’m looking forward to your Wellness Wednesday posts. It’s never to late to focus on maintaining good health. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Michelle. You are right, it is never too late. I used to be so much healthier and have let the busy season of life take over. I look forward to doing these post.
You’re speaking my language, Sonya! One of my main goals this year is developing better health habits. I’m looking forward to seeing your Wellness Wednesday posts and keeping myself accountable with you. By the way, I love the images in this post.
Hi Crissy, I am so glad this is one of your goals as well. It is always easier to work through adding healthy habits with a friend. I look forward to keeping each other accountable in our goals. Thank you.
Oh, this is going to be fun, and helpful! Looking forward to it!
Hi Julie, I think it is going to be fun and glad your looking forward to it.
Loved reading this blog post. Health is such an important aspect of our lives. Love that your focusing on it & inspiring others to do the same ♥️
Esther thanks so much for stopping by and thank you so much.
I love this idea! Ever since my daughter was born I’ve been making changes toward a healthier lifestyle. I can’t wait to learn what you have!
So excited to have you here, it is a lifelong process isn’t it.