Renewal in 2020: choosing a word of focus
Time to make plans and goals for the year ahead by choosing a word of focus.
I can not believe it is time already and we are in a new year already?
Choosing a focus for your intentions of the year is a great way to head into 2020.
I have only participated in this tradition for two years, so this will be the third time and I feel like I get better at using a word to focus on.
After a year of change for our family, and me feeling really stuck in some areas of life.
I decided a good word for me to focus on would be “growth”.
Growth can be so many things, for me I am focusing on personal growth, growing my faith, this blog and my instagram account.
Part of my plan for growth is doing things that I have been afraid of trying or simply trying things I never have.
Trying new things or facing fears is a great way to light a fire in your life.
I am starting the year off by doing something I never have, ya’ll, I am taking an art class.
To say I am nervous and excited does not even begin to explain all that I am feeling about taking the class.
This is really going to be a personal stretch for me.
I feel certain this class will help me learn so much more than art.
Surely I will learn some things about myself.
Why choose a word to focus on?
Narrowing down you goals to one word rather than a list of particular goals can lead you in the right direction in the new year.
Choosing and having that to focus on keeps you constant and helps you remain committed to your intentions for the year.
Having a particular term helps guide you in certain decisions and keeping you intentional in your daily life.
One word keeps you focused on the intended goal and helps to reign you in when you are going astray from your intended goal.
Choosing your word of focus
A new year is a great time to figure out where you are stuck and figure out a word that correlates with what you would like to work on for the year.
Figure out your intentions for the year and goals for the year and find a term that will help you get to that goal.
How to use your word
Now that you have chosen your word for the year, it is important that you keep it in the forefront of your daily life.
Write it in your planner, create a printable and have it framed in your office to see everyday.
Pop it into your daily reminders on your phone to get a reminder everyday when you first wake up.
The key is to remind yourself of your word of focus daily to reinforce your goals for the year.
So here is to a year of “growth” for me and I would love to hear if you pick a word of the year and if so, what is it.
Happy New Year!