5 fun and simple car games to entertain your kids

Yay for summer!
With summer comes lots of travel for some and often by car. I am sharing with you today 5 car games to play when traveling with children.
Our family loves taking road trips, as a matter of fact it is typically the way we travel.
Traveling by car with children can bring with it some stress and outburst if you don’t pre-plan for the ride.
Car games
When our children were very young we started playing some simple, educational games while driving.
These 5 games are good for families with varying ages of children.
Yellow car – this is just what the name states. While driving if you spot a yellow car you earn points, the one with the most points chooses where our next stop will be.
There are just a few simple rules.
First to tag the car by yelling out “yellow car” gets the point, if the car has an advertisement on it of any kind one point is deducted from your total.
You may be wondering why yellow car.
Well, simply stated there are less yellow cars on the road than other colors.
This makes it easier to keep up with on long trips that could last hours. It keeps them entertained and looking at all the scenery.
A favorite of everyone who plays.
Word association – my husband is so good at this game that he is the one who always starts it and we all play along.
Say a word like sunflower, the first one to say a word that is associated with that, such as yellow will come up with the next word associated with yellow.
This game goes until no one can come up with a word that is associated with the one before.
Head of the class – this is the board game that has been around for years.
We carry the dice and the question book with us in the car and play without the board. You can tweak this however needed for your particular children.

Here are a few other fun and simple games to play to keep the kids entertained.
ABC game – finding things for every letter of the alphabet outside of the car, in alphabetical order. Example: airplane, bike and car, just to name a few.
License plate game -this is a fun game where we try to see if we can find a license plate from all 50 states.
It helps the kids learn their states if they don’t know them and is great for reinforcing reading practice in a fun way.
You can print out the sheet below to have for this game.

Another fun way to keep the kids entertained is by allowing time in the traveling schedule to stop and experience new places along the way.
We love stopping at local shops, coffee houses and unusual restaurants, it is one of the reasons we often choose to drive to our destinations.
This also give everyone a chance to stretch their legs and get some fresh air which always makes everyone feel better.
Next time you are headed out on a road trip, plan some of these games for the entire family to play.
I promise the trip will go so much smoother.
Happy traveling!!
Till next time
I bet you’ll be playing some of these in just a few short weekends! Fun post!
You know it. I will also be playing these with the youth group as I drive them on the mission trip the week before Haven.