How to create the feel of autumn in your home
Can you believe we are talking about preparing our homes for autumn? Here we are starting a new school year and for me that always signals autumn, even if it is still hot outside. Today I am sharing how to create the feel of autumn in your home.

Every August I start thinking of autumn and fall with the beginning of school.
Autumn is my favorite season of all and I just love to create the feel in my home.
Certainly you have seen all the fall post on social media lately.
I have to be totally transparent here in letting you know that I am more of a naturalist when it comes to seasonal decorating and autumn is no different.
It seems these days that many approach their seasonal decor much like a store and have an explosion of faux fall items.
Not that it is not pretty, but it can be overwhelming to see all that stuff.
There is plenty to take from nature in creating the feel of the season in your home.
This is not a popular opinion I am sure, but I wanted to be totally honest with you.
There was once a time in my home where I would have quite a bit of faux fall decor, but I have come to the realization that is not necessary.
What creates the feel of autumn in your home?

There are so many places to find good quality pillow covers and throws for autumn at resonable prices.
Here you can shop ideas from this post.
So you may be asking, what creates the feel of autumn in your home if you are not filling it with all the faux decor?
Approaching autumn or any season by addressing the little details is a great place to start.
With little details you can capture the feel of any season.
Little details that address the 5 senses in creating the feel of autumn in your home.
- sight
- sound
- smell
- taste
- touch
Using the senses to help create the feeling of the season in a truly unique way.
Remember our homes are not meant to be set up like store displays, rather they are meant to reflect you and the things you love.
Let’s start bringing in the senses with the sights of fall that you love.
How to bring the sights of fall in your home
If your wondering exactly how to bring in the sights of fall.
Start with taking a walk outside or watch videos of fall in your particular area or an area that you love.
Take note of the colors you see and love.
Decide what you want you autumn color story to be and start there.
Fall is so much more than orange pumpkins and brown acorns.
When you are outside you can begin to forage things to bring the natural elements of autumn into your home.
Some ideas are:
- naturally drying leaf branches
- acorns
- feathers
- stones
- old bird nest
- pine cones
- branches
- real heirloom pumpkins or gourds
- antlers
- dried flowers or seed pods

These are just a few items that will address the sights of autumn to bring into your home.
Depending on the area you live, there may be more items from nature that you can bring in.
See what you can find, there is no right or wrong.
You are appealing to your sense of sight.
Why you are out foraging for items to appeal to your sight, take notice of the sounds of autumn in your area.
What items appeal to the sound of autumn?
Maybe you have never really thought about the sound of autumn.
Go back to the sounds you heard while you were out foraging for the sights of autumn.
What did you hear?
Maybe you heard crunchy leaves blowing around, raindrops falling or wind blowing around.
Favorite music may have come to mind while you were out walking.
Now you can use that to make a playlist of songs that remind you of autumn, music that will set the mood of the season in your home.
Here I have linked a few for you to enjoy.
If you go to Youtube and search autumn music there are several that come up.
Here is my favorite autumn jazz and a favorite vintage track.
Some of those songs may even bring to mind the smell of autumn.
Fun ways to bring in the scent of autumn

This is one of my favorite senses, especially for the autumn and fall season.
You might think that candles or essential oils are the only way to bring in the sense of smell.
They are many great options for the sense of smell.
A fire burning is something that always brings the sense of smell during the season.
Burning a fire to roast marshmallows is a wonderful way to create the feel of autumn.
You can also create a stovetop potpourri and simmer on the stove to create a wonderful scent.
There are several different ways to make it, but this is my favorite.
- 3-4 cinnamon sticks
- 4 whole bay leaves
- 3-4 tablespoons whole cloves
- 1/2 orange, round sliced
- 1/2 lemon, round sliced
- 4 cups of water
You can tweak the recipe to include some of your favorite items.
Now that your home is filled with the scent of autumn it is time to appeal to the taste of the season.
How to appeal to your sense of taste
This is super easy and probably the most enjoyable way to bring autumn into your home.
Simply by baking your favorite autumn treats you can create the small of the season.
Things like pumpkin bread, apple cider donuts and banana bread.
Not only sweet treats, but I am sure you have favorite autumn meals, like chili or beef stew.
Any meal that you generally only make during the cooler months is reflective of the season.

We love soup at our house when the season begins to change and the weather gets cooler.
You can get the recipe for my simple fall soup.
These meals signal to your family that autumn in here.
Not only that but it will bring back memories of previous seasons with your family.
Drinks of the season are another great thing to create the sense of autumn in your home and this one is a favorite.
While you are curled up with that fabulous drink, let’s think about the sense of touch for the season.
How do you add in the sense of touch into your autumn decor?
When the weather slowly begins to cool off and it begins to get dark earlier it is time to bring in the element of touch in your autumn decor.
Think cozy when bringing in the sense of touch.
Here is where you can really interject your decor style with pillows and throws with varying texture.

The varying texture will not only appeal to your sense of touch but it will be appealing to your sight as well.
In the beginning when you decided on your color theme for the season, now is time to bring in those colors you love about fall.
I love to have various styles of pillow covers to switch out for the season and typically use the same ones year after year.

If your pillow covers are getting a bit worn or you want to change colors, it is not expensive to purchase some new covers.
It is more budget friendly to purchase covers than to purchase pillows that can not be opened up and changed.
Every few years I replace my pillow covers, it is one of the few items that I will purchase for the change of seasons.
There is no right or wrong here, only what you prefer.
This is just one way to approach creating the feel of autumn in your home.
Here are a few more thoughts on fall decorating in an article where I was featured along with some other amazing bloggers, just click the link to go directly to the article http://Predicting Fall Décor Trends: What to Expect This Season
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Happy autumn decorating.
Till next time