How to preserve magnolia leaves the easy way
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Have you ever wanted to make something with magnolia leaves but was not sure how to maintain them? I am sharing how to preserve magnolia leaves the easy way.

I am sure you have seen beautiful magnolia leaf wreaths or garlands and seen just how expensive they are.
Last year I tried to make a wreath with magnolia leaves my girlfriend gave me from her yard and it just did not work.
Little did I know just how simple it is to preserve those magnolia leaves with two simple products.
I am sharing the easy process today.
Supplies to preserve magnolia leaves
- magnolia leaves
- Mod Podge
- Mod Podge spray acrylic
- foam paint brush
First step in preserving leaves
First you should get your leaves when they are in their best condition, before they begin to get spotty and begin to curl on the edges.
I waited a little long to get mine so they do have some spots, but I really do not mind at all.
After cutting them off the branches, wipe them down with a damp cloth, front and back.
Once they are dry you are ready to start painting them.
Second step to maintain leaves
You can paint the front of the leaves with a thin coat of Mod Podge.

Let that sit and dry.
After the front is completely dry you can go to the next step.
Step 3
Now that the front of the leaves are dry, flip them over and paint a coat of Mod Podge on the back of the leaves.
Completeing the process
After you have painted the front and back and they have dried it is time to do the entire process again.
Paint a coat of Mod Podge on the front and back of the leaves, letting them dry completely.
Can you believe it is that simple to preserve those beautiful and much sought after leaves?
There is one last and final step to maintain them.
Get some Mod Podge spray acrylic to spray over the front and back of your leaves.
This step is where you can get really creative with what spray you use.
Mod Podge has glitter, high gloss, pearl and matte sprays to make your magnolia leaves unique.
Once that final step is done and the front and back of your leaves are completely dry it is time to get creating.
You can use your leaves to create a magnolia leaf wreath or add to a faux greenery garland to make it more realistic.

The possibilities here are endless and completely up to you.
I chose to add some of my leaves to a faux garland on my mantel.

What ever you use your preserved magnolia leaves for, I am sure it will be beautiful.
If your looking for some other ways to use your Mod Podge read here.
Till next time
Isn’t the brush on mod podge and mod podge spray the same thing basically?
I believe they are the same, just which ever you prefer to use and feel more comfortable with.