Finding contentment in your home.
In today’s culture we are constantly being exposed to what others have and the beautiful things of the world.
Because of this you may find yourself feeling discontent with your home.
Today I have some simple tips to share to help you cultivate contentment in your home.

Today’s world we are constantly being exposed to all the latest and greatest in home decor and design. It is easy to compare our homes to others, breeding discontentment.
Constant comparison is the thief of joy.
I am sharing some ways that I have found helpful when discontentment arises.
Mission statement
Creating a mission statement for your home and family is one way to create priorities for your home.
Writing down how you would like your home to serve you, your family and guest.
When creating your mission statement, write down what you are drawn to, your style preferences, and what you crave at home.
Consider your core values, how you want your home to feel when you or your guest enter.
One thing to do is think about the perfect day at home and how that would feel to you.
Begin writing your home mission statement by using your most important points, identified in the writing exercise.
This will also help keep you in line with your decor style when deciding on items for your home.
Daily gratitude

Having a gratitude journal for your home is just as important as one for personal use.
Writing out 5 things you are grateful for or love in your home, helps you to be grateful for what you currently have.
This will help you see that acquiring more or making constant changes will not bring about consistent contentment.
Keeping a gratitude journal is a great tool to see how you and your home have evolved over the years.
Contentment is an attitude and choosing it is a way of life.
Opening your home
Our homes are our refuge and a place to create peace and memories with those we love.
Opening our homes to others is a way to serve and help us feel more content.
When we continually acquire things in order to satisfy discontentment, we actually are creating a stressful environment.
Welcoming guest into our homes is not about lavish gatherings but opportunities to connect our hearts and minds.
The art of opening up our homes serves us as well as those who enter.
If you are not one to invite people into your home for what ever reason, try it, you will be surprised at how content you will feel.

These small steps can have such an impact on the feelings of contentment in our homes.
Beauty in our homes is not based on the size, style of decor, or how we furnish it.
It is based on the love that fills our home.
Making the choice every day to be happy with the home we have has the ability to make any home a dream home.
Till next time