Spring home project: why we decided to makeover our screened in porch
Most people love having a screened in porch and we have enjoyed ours until recent years. Today I am our Spring home project: why we decided to makeover our screened in porch.

A little history of our home to get us started.
18 years ago we picked out our home plan and part of that plan included a side screened in porch.
I loved the idea of a screened in porch.
I had fond memories of the screened in porch at the home I grew up in.
Well, our newer porch was a lot different than the one I remember having as a child.
Let me describe to your how our porch was made to help you see why we decided to makeover our screened in porch.
The design of our screened porch
The particular design of our screened in porch was a long narrow porch that was on the east side of our home.

(excuse the photos quality, taken years ago with an old phone)
Our view was of the neighbors wooden privacy fence which was not the most desirable view.
The porch was level with the ground so it frequently flooded.
Due to constant flooding, the porch was hard to maintain and keep clean.
The screens were tall and narrow sections that were structurally the best design.

Other end of the long, narrow screened porch.

With every storm the screens would blow out and have to be redone, by us of course.
After several storms and constantly replacing the screens we decided it was time for a change.
Screened in porch makeover
Originally we thought it was strictly going to be a small makeover, keeping it a screened in porch.
We were planning on adding a knee wall to keep it from flooding with every rain.
Not only would the new design keep it from flooding, but it would help make the screens more durable.
We were really excited about the new plan.
Excited until we sat down and thought about how much that space was actually used.
Honestly we do not use the space a lot for a few reasons.
One was that we could not keep it clean and the other being the heat and humidity in the summer.
Most of the summer it was just to hot even with the ceiling fan to keep the space enjoyable.
From there the new and exciting plan for a complete porch makeover was born.
Design for added square footage
Once we went through all the different plans for our new porch, we decided it would be best to get rid of the porch.
We decided along with our contractor that it would be to our advantage and better use for the space to enclose the area.
Creating a small room would add value to our home and lives.
Enclosing the area will give us 250 more square feet of livable space.
The entire cost of the project fits perfectly into our project budget.
When we created our home plan for the year we accounted for a Spring porch makeover and set aside money for that.
Speaking of budgets, we always make a yearly plan and budget for home projects and such
You can read about that here.
I am so excited to share our thoughts for the space and our screened in porch makeover.
Stay tuned for the beginning stages of our screened in porch makeover and the design plans.
Till next time